Beard Boys Exfoliating Soap

If you are looking for an Exfoliating Soap that provides real skin conditioning, exfoliation, moisturizing, is gentle enough to use all over and has an amazing fragrance then search no further.

Our Exfoliating Soap contains ground oats which provide a perfect alternative to exfoliating beads and its just way cooler!

So I'm sure you asking yourself why should men exfoliate?  Here's Why....

Remove's Grime
Repairs Skin
Gives Spot Free Skin
Opens Pores
Prevents Ingrown Hairs
And theres many more reasons but we aren't Google so you know what to do!

How to exfoliate
After getting your face wet in the shower, rub the exfoliating bar around your face. Then massage your face using circular motions. No need to scrub too hard—the coarseness of the product will do the work. And you’ll feel it working. After massaging for about 30 seconds to a minute, rinse clean. Afterward, apply our Face Defense Moisturiser since exfoliating can leave your skin drier than normal.


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